Friday, December 23, 2005

I've been back in Penang for awhile, received my annual bout of confinement(i.e. sick so cannot go out/eat- what a great way to lose weight??), bought not that many shoes yet, become almost number 1 with the little fella, and booked my flight ticket. All that's left is a trip down to KL to get some suits. I almost have had enough of home.

One of my very first days back in Penang, Mum took me to Gurney Plaza and i saw a disgusting display of "amerianess". We were eating at the foodcourt downstairs and i went to buy drinks for the both of us. Anyway, when i got to the drinks counter, there "appeared" to be two queues, one guy standing at the counter ordering, one uncle behind him, and two girls, one rather l arge plus sized a bit on the darker side and one typical tall slim chinese girl talking among themselves choosing drinks. I choosed to stand behind the uncle because he looked more like a "queue" Anyway more people lined up behind me and when the first guy moved off and the cashier served the uncle, the larger plus sized darker one suddenly raised her voice and said she was in the the queue blah blah blah and what i remember so clearly was her american accent going "that is what's wrong with this god-forsaken country.." and her embarassed friend was telling her that they weren't actually in the queue and she stormed off with her friend trailing behind her. Good riddence to wanna-be white trash. If you can call my country god-forsaken and i do believe you were from here once, don't come here at all.

Penang is the land of cheap yummy food, cheap DVDs (RM4 a piece!) and great service if you are patient enough to look and most people are courteous enough if you treat them with respect. Even the uncle that jaga the kereta is courteous. I realised it's the new generation that lacks respect and patience. Woe is the world?

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