Sunday, February 19, 2006

soup is boiling on the stove at the moment. the sourish sweet smell is wafting through the apartment....*yum* i am either making my neighbours jealous or they must think i haven't thrown rubbish for months.

Saw a job that really called out to me on Thursday night and i kan cheong faster practically ran down to the place and put in my application. Seems like a delightful place to work in i really hope i get an interview and not screw it up again. i hope i hope i hope *fingers and toes all crossed*

There are days like this when i remember why i like staying in Melbourne. It's the whole sense of "community". There was a City of Yarra festival and they had lots of stalls (hence the hot dog), doggy events, friendly people at every corner and plenty of freebies! And after the whole dose of "ah mor-ness" i get to come home to my messy house and eat a really malaysian dinner of kiam chai bui. Yup, i think that's one of the perks of living here that there is always something some event going on that is open to the public and you can meet a whole lot of different people. People are less suspicious and more open as well, you do have the weird and strange population who you stay well clear of them but for the general part, everyone is really nice.

in Summer the days are longer here. The sun doesn't set until about 830 thereabouts. I'm going off to put the finishing touches to my soup now....


Anonymous said...

Life Poem
Answer, answer, are you hidden?
© By Erica M. Sies

Sometimes I wonder if I'm where I'm supposed to be,
or if I'm who I'm supposed to be...
I wonder what this life has in store for me.

Sometimes I feel sure of what I want and where I'm to go,
Other I feel lost and try not to let it show.

I live my life from day to day,
and love everything in every single way.

But sometimes at night I lay and stare,
and hope for answers through answered prayers.

Do I go left or should I choose right,
the roads are as dark as a moonless night.

I hesitate not because I am scared,
and not even because I am unprepared.

I sit an ponder which road to choose,
simply because I don't want to loose.

To make the wrong choice would be hardest to bare,
or is that God's intensions...a double dare.

A dare to take the road less traveled,
and risk the road chosen to become unraveled.

Although it may seem like the road is too slick,
doesn't us taking it make it the right road to pick?

So then we must wonder is there a right and wrong path,
or simply 2 different ways for us to do the math.

However we add it, it equals the same,
but the method used to get there is what makes the game.

So although I feel lost from time to time,
I take great comfort in the fact that the choice is all mine.

I can choose to go left, or I can choose to go right,
either way in the end there's a golden light.

So although we may wonder which path to choose,
we must remember in life we have nothing to loose.

Whichever choice we make, A or B, the one we choose is meant to be.

So instead of trying to force life to fit, just let life happen and enjoy it.

It's going to work at its own pace, life is a journey not a race.

So sit back and enjoy this precious gift,
and when the gears need changed don't hesitate to shift!

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