Thursday, May 12, 2005

Do i take offense easily? Maybe i do.

Like today at the park. Some new comer to the park had a cute 12 week old Lab. I was excited. Bailey was excited. The regulars were excited. Everyone was excited. Until the first thing she had to say was "CAN YOU GET YOUR DOG OFF MINE?" Then i took offense. And i disliked her from there on..and she didn't make it easier to like her; because she kept calling her dog away from Bailey everytime her dog went near Bailey to play.... *rolls eyes*... Ok i don't take offense for no reason. Bailey was being friendly and it's not his fault the other dog was scared - that was only a 12 week old pup but that pup had to learn to socialise and tell bailey how she wanted to play anyway. THAT's JUST HOW DOGS are. Anyway, i got uncomfortable so i left. But BOy would i love to see her carry her LAB up away from other dogs in a few months time.. If some people are going to be overprotective then just DON't go to a park where there are other dogs........

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