Sunday, March 20, 2005

Is life complicated or is it that we complicate matters ourselves by over thinking?
Perhaps it is a little of both?

I sat in the toilet today (on one of the rare occasions that there isn’t a cue waiting to use the measly two stalls on my floor provided for a course with the female ratio being greater than the male) and wondered how many toilet rolls we go through a day. The reason being, that the roll I was using had almost finished, and I wondered if there was a new one nearby and if so how many new ones were put aside to replace the empty rolls… it got a lot more complicated the more I thought about it – I stopped when I got to wondering who actually came in to replace the rolls and where they were kept and was there a bigger storage room somewhere I didn’t know on the floor.

If I were to stop pondering after the first few thoughts, not let them run too deep, maybe then life would be easier. Did I really need to know where they were kept or who replaced them anyway? As long as it were so that, there was always toilet paper around it wouldn’t bother me right? Only know what you have to know? So what is it exactly that I need to know and what I don’t need to know? It wouldn’t make a difference if I knew or not how the toilet paper came about to be there.

There I go making life complicated again. Conclusion, life would be just peachy if thinking was kept in cheek…

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