Friday, July 15, 2005

day 19

i'm sick. again. at least i get a day of classes today- deceased estates. ha. i feel like a deceased myself.

Ugh thinking about all that work i'm lagging behind makes me even more sickly. and there's nothing to do at home because i am in denial that i have a lot of work left to do. sigh.
at least next year i might get paid for it. i have come to a conclusion, i will not get a job before January 2006. yessiree, i want a nice long break first. if anyone wants to hire me....but then again, who knows right?

I can't belive that is it almost 3 weeks that iggy has stayed here and there's like another 2 weeks and 2 days still left to go??? SIGH. At leat Bailey is not short for company and i don't have to bring him out everyday (not that the weather has been very accomodating anyway) anymore. Hmm, and on the bright side i don't have to bathe bailey every other day now since he doesn't get out of the house. Only Iggy who keeps stepping and tripping over shit. dumb dog.

Maybe i should start counting down the days till August 1st.

Maybe i should start doing my work as harry potter is coming out tomorrow and i'm going to have my nose stuck in that book the whole weekend...or however long i take to finish reading it and then spoil it for everyone who hasn't read it yet.

Sigh...i think i will go look for food. i am sick of porridge. yuk.

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